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Stadthotel Kramer  °°°
Italiener Straße 14
9500 Villach
 parking  satellite / cable TV / radio  room safe  air conditioning  Restaurant  Bar
Visa Mastercard Diners Amex
Guest rooms:
The 3-star hotel offers 41 comfortable guest rooms with Bathroom with bathtub, air conditioning, Wi-Fi, room safe and Windows for opening.
Meeting rooms:
2 meeting rooms that can accommodate up to 30 persons with state-of-the-art equipment.
Meeting Equipment:
flip chart, Loudspeakers for notebooks, loudspeaker, TV set, microphone facilities, Pin board, screen, DVD player, Sound equipment, Video projector, video conference, Wi-Fi, Laser pointer
Food & Beverages:
Restaurant, Outdoor gastronomy, Bar
Your way to our hotel:

Arriving by car

From Salzburg you take the exit Villach West than you direktly folow the signs center Villach by the raffic circle you folow the Tirolerstraße unril you are in the Steinwenderstraße there is the Entrens to the Hotel From Vienna you take the A10 Exit Faaker See than you folow the sign Center and you dirctly drive from the Pestalozzistraße to the Steinwenderstraße to the entrance of the Hotel

Arriving by public transportation

You can reach Villach directly by train arriving on Villach HBF or by Airoplane arriving in Klagenfurt 40 km from Villach.

Approach Map:
meetago GmbH | Info Hotline: +49 (0)228 8544750 ()